
ALG Estates Fairtrade Program
ALG achieved Fairtrade accreditation in 2009, this standard promotes trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. a Fairtrade premium income is generated through Fairtrade sales and used toward community projects and upliftment.

The continued success of ALG Boerdery Fairtrade contracts have recently paid off in the form of a brand new community centre on Noordhoek farm. The community members identified the need for a facility that can serve as a community centre and crèche which the Joint Body answered with conservative spending and focused financial planning to bring this dream to realization. Previous community projects made possible by Fairtrade premiums include a crèche on a neighbouring farm; changing room facilities and pavilion to support local sporting events (rugby is a well-supported sport in Citrusdal with various local clubs competing in the annual league competitions); subsidized school fees and bus terminals on all the farms.